Meet Tea Cell
TEA CELL owned by an ordinary individual leading Tea Cell to be its own unique individual company. From Healthcare to Creative Arts to Entrepreneurship. Kevin is bringing these life skills to Tea Cell with fine Teas, Herbal Soaps, Spoken Word, Book Signing and Private Events.
T-Cells are part of the immune system that triggers and protects the body from outside world diseases that invades. Well...
TEA CELL is now a component of the body introducing the second healthiest consumed beverage in the world. Smooth taste, elegant aromas, and healthy benefits of Organic Teas elevate the state of ones body any part of the day. Keeping the Avid Tea drinker happy, and introducing new life to those who are getting involved in the wave of health consciousness. The body deserves to be treated as temple and our teas for the inside and soaps for the outside will assist you in this journey. Outside the body is beauty, Inside is Function, and the Deep Inner is Spirit that guides you to make choices in life.
TEA CELL management has learned from the finest TEAchers in the Tea world. Certified to manage a Tea Room. Also, is providing tea from the best suppliers around the world. Studied Chinese medicine for five plus years. In addition, five years of acupressure techniques. Expect to learn the benefits of Premium Teas and learn about your own body. Natural way from proper Herbal consumption and Acupressure healing. Spent two months studying tea farms and taking classes in China, Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan experiencing the work done to produce quality teas. Bringing knowledge, and experience to a room of precious bodies.
TEA CELL online store will provide premium and fine tasting organic loose tea leaves and herbs. Stay consistent in drinking herbal teas. One tea will not heal you. It must be a habitual process.
Tea Cell teas are high quality teas produced by tea companies throughout Asia. The teas has a personal connection because of the time spent learning about the production of the teas in person.
TEA CELL retail storefront will put you in a Soulful ambiance with the rhythm of oldies but goodies and soft tones. The aroma of organic tea leaves and mellow incense will fill the Tea Cell Zone. A place to come and relax and let the body breath. Engage in health wellness by drinking elegant teas, learning about teas and herbs and preparing the body for comfort and elevation. A place to open your mind to balancing the body.
~Bringing A Healthy Leaf to A Precious Body~
Psalms 104:14